booth sweets

booth sweets

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Booth and Sweets part 3

Part 3: Sneaking out.

The next morning Sweets remembered about the party and at breakfast Sweets spoke to Booth about it.

"Hey Booth you remember my friend Michelle right?" Sweets asked and Booth scowled.

"Yeah I remember her. She was at the heavy metal club the night Bones accidentally ripped your shirt off. What about her?" Booth asked.

"Well she called last night and told me about her birthday party tonight. It's gonna be held at the club and she wants me to come." Sweets said.

Booth just looked at him for a moment then spoke "No Sweets. That club is filled with heavy metal groupies and listening to that music is just gonna make you worse not better. People who listen to that kind of music are twisted by the lyrics. We talked about this." Booth said and he was right. They had talked about the taste of music that Sweets listened to mainly because Booth wasn't going to allow Sweets to blast that music in his house.

"Come on Booth. Please. It's just for tonight and it's her birthday. One night. Only a couple hours. A couple hours of listening to it isn't gonna hurt me. I promised her that I'd buy her a drink on her 21st birthday." Sweets begged.

Booth snorted "Oh of course. There's gonna be drinking too? Well then it's definitely a no. You can't control yourself remember? That's why I limit your alcohol. Plus there's rules about not drinking when Parker is here." Booth reminded him patiently.

"What if I have you drop me off and then I can call and have you pick me up when it's over? " Sweets asked.

"Sweets I said no. Sides you can just call her and tell her that you already had plans. My X is coming by this evening to pick up Parker. I have a movie picked out for us to watch. I already arranged it. We're going to the movies and then my X will pick Parker up then and if you want then maybe we could stop by and you can go in and wish your friend happy birthday and buy her one drink. But I don't want you in that club for very long. And I am not going in. But like I said that's just a maybe." Booth said and a plan began to form in Sweets head. He could easily sneak away from the movie and go to the club. And if Booth found him gone he would just hope that Booth wouldn't find him at the club. He would take his phone so that if Booth called he could answer. Booth would be mad but Sweets didn't care at the moment. He understood that Booth didn't like his music. But he would rather risk trouble then completely ditch Michelle on her birthday.

So later that night at the movies Sweets waited an hour before saying he was going to the bathroom and then he headed outside and called a cab and rode to the club. He found the party and hugged the birthday girl and bought her a drink and then she challenged him so they had a race to see who could down shots the fastest. Sweets had had about ten and the girl was still keeping up so they kept going.

When Sweet's didn't return Booth got that feeling in his gut that something was up. He waited for the movie to get over and then his X texted him that she was outside so he walked Parker outside and hugged and kissed him goodnight and Parker went with his mom and Booth went inside. He checked the bathroom and then went to the front desk. "Yeah excuse me but did you see a guy about this tall with curly dark hair dressed in a suit leave here earlier?" Booth asked.

"Why Yes I did. I think he called a cab. I'm not sure where he went though." The woman said and Booth thanked her and got in his car and drove. He knew where Sweets had gone. Exactly where Booth had told him not to go.

Booth called Sweet's phone.

Sweets was too trashed to realize the ringing he was hearing was actually his phone. Michelle who was still slightly sober answer his phone "Hello this is Lance's phone how may I help you?"

"Yeah Hi. Where's Sweets.....I mean Lance?" Booth asked.

"Oh." the girl giggled "Sorry Lance is completely trashed. He so drank me under the table. Course by then he fell off his chair." more laughing.

Great just great. Booth thought. Well trashed or not Booth was not leaving Sweets in that club.

So becoming very agitated Booth got out of his car and went inside the club. When he found Sweets who was passed out on a couch he went over and took his arm and had to drag him outside then when they were by the door Booth gave up on that and just picked him up off his feet and put him in the backseat of the car.

Booth drove them home and then Carried Sweets upstairs and laid him on the bed. He checked his temperature then said "Kid you are so gonna get it when you wake up." Booth said and then he began to undress his lover down to his underwear and covered him with the blanket and then kissed him goodnight.

Booth stayed up for only a little longer before dressing down and getting in bed beside Sweets.

Sweets woke up the next morning with no headache but he felt slightly like he was gonna be sick. God how much had he drank last night? And how had he gotten home? He saw Booth sleeping beside him and realized that Booth must have went to get him and taken him home. But then he couldn't remember Booth showing up. How trashed had he been? He remember Michelle challenging him something about who could get totally trashed first. Sweets figured he must have won since he couldn't remember getting home.

He went into the bathroom and washed his face with water. Booth woke up hearing the water running and seeing Sweets was awake he got up to check on him. "So how's your head?" Booth asked.

Sweets looked at Booth through the mirror not having the guts to face him yet. "It doesn't hurt. It never does. I don't get sick either. I feel fine. Just a little out of it. Don't really remember how I got home." Sweets said.

"That would be because by the time I got there you were beyond trashed and I had to carry you to the car and then to the bed. I came to get you that's how you got home." Booth said annoyed.

"Oh well that's what I figured." Sweets said.

"God how much did you drink last night?" Booth asked.

"Honestly? I have no idea. Must have been close to like 20 shots though. Michelle kinda made a bet with me that she could get trashed first. So I took the challenge and I guess I won." Sweets said but there was no pride in his tone.

Booth stood there leaning against the wall for a moment after Sweets was done talking. Then shook his head and snapped his fingers "Bedroom. Right now." Booth said sternly.

Sweets cringed but made his way to the bedroom .

Booth followed and Sweets sat down knowing already that he would be spanked for running off and getting trashed last night.

Booth stayed standing and put his hands on his hips "Tell me one thing. Why did you deliberately disobey me? Why did you do the one thing I told you not to do. This is the second tine this weekend that you went against my wishes. The first time wasn't entirely your fault so you weren't spanked for that. But this was all you. You chose to lie to me so that you could run off and go to the club even though we already decided that you didn't need to go because you don't need to drink. You don't go against my rules just because you aren't always happy with the answer I give you." Booth scolded and Sweets felt bad for what he had done and he was sorry but he also knew he deserved to be punished for it.

"I know Booth. I was just being selfish I guess. I wanted to go and I know I shouldn't have drank so much but I just don't know how to say no all the time." Sweets said then found himself staring at Booth's exposed chest. The older man had a big wide chest and Sweets found it incredibly hot even when Booth was trying to be stern with him. He found himself thinking about how much he loved the man.

Booth sat beside him "Well okay. I get that your sorry but Sorry doesn't change that you did it. So let's get this over with."

Sweets stood up and Booth pulled him down over his knee. Most of Sweet's upper body was on the bed but his hips were directly positioned perfectly for a spanking. Booth always started by spanking Sweets on his underwear.

Sweets hands clutched the mattress and all on as Booth laid on 20 sharp stinging spanks all over his underwear covered behind. Tears pricked Sweet's eyes and then he felt Booth pulling his underwear down and he tried to brace himself but that never worked.

Booth landed another 20 sharp slaps on his bare bottom and sit spots where his thighs meets his bottom. By then Sweets was crying and Booth landed a final 10 slaps to bring the lesson to a close. Sweets just cried when Booth was done and Booth waited until Sweet's was more calm before letting him up and giving him a hug. Sweets wiped his eyes and pulled his underwear back up over his tender backside and then he went to find some pajama pants to put on. Then he stood because frankly sitting wasn't an option yet.

"I'm sorry Booth." Sweets apologized again and again Booth hugged him and drew his lips up for a kiss.

"It's okay. It's over now. You know that once punishment is given we don't keep bringing up the crime. We move on." Booth said.

"Yeah I know. Forgiven but not forgotten. That one really hurt." Sweets whined at the end sounding like a small boy.

Booth scoffed "Well yeah. You messed up big time so you got a big spanking. Now I'm gonna go fix some breakfast. It should be ready in about 30 minutes." Booth said then gave Sweets another kiss and went to fix breakfast.


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