booth sweets

booth sweets

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Booth and Sweets Part 2

Part 2: A new way of living

They had been back together for about a two months now. Booth made up the rules to their home to make it a controlled environment for Sweets. The rules were cut and dry. Rules that even Booth's son Parker could easily understand and follow.

Rule one was no lying because Sweets did have a problem admitting when he had done something wrong even when he knew he was busted.
Rule two was no heavy cursing because Sweets had the mouth of a sailor sometimes and Booth didn't want Sweets getting into a habit of cursing because of his son Parker being around.
Rule three was no drinking because Sweets had a serious problem controlling himself when he drank and so Booth decided to limit the alcohol that Sweets would have. Sweets liked the heavy liquor and so Booth decided that if Sweets wanted it then he could have it on weekends but it had to be the weekend that Parker wasn't over. And any other time Sweets could just do without it. Because he didn't actually need to drink all the time. Booth sometimes would take Sweets out and they would have one or two drinks together but Booth didn't let Sweets get any of the really hard stuff. And Booth himself only had one or two drinks. And he didn't get drunk easily but after that he would drive them home. Very slowly and carefully.
Rule four was no drugs not that Sweets ever did drugs but Booth figured that they would draw that line right away before Sweets was tempted by anyone or his own curiosity.

And of course the punishments were clear too. It had been what they had fought about all that time ago. At the time Booth had been against striking Sweets for any reason.  Sweets had thought that if Booth really cared about him then he would be able to do it. But Booth was against it. Sweets had explained that it wasn't the same as domestic abuse because Sweets was willingly submitting to it and it would make Sweets a better person. Booth had still not liked the idea. Booth had once spanked his son Parker for talking to a stranger that was actually an escaped convict and he had been too worried and scared and Booth had dragged his son to the park bathroom and spanked him for it. Spanking his son as punishment was one thing. Spanking his lover for punishment was another. And at the time it wasn't an idea that Booth had been willing to entertain. But he soon realized that Sweets needed it and that it was different then abuse and that if Sweets really deserved it then Booth could do it. After all there was a time when Parker was a baby and Booth had thought he would never spank his child. And that had changed.
It took some time for Sweets to get used to it but he also had to remember that he had wanted this. He had asked for it. Literally. And the rules made sense just like the punishments. The main punishment was of course a spanking. The second possible punishment was reserved for if Sweets got too mouthy with his words. Then he would get his mouth washed out.

And Sweets knew the difference between a punishment spanking and a sex play spanking. A sexual spanking only lasted about 5 or 10 slaps and it was light slaps that barely stung and that turned him on. Punishment spankings were NOT pleasant at all and they went on until Sweets bottom was deep red and he was crying hard and had learned his lesson. Sexual spankings happened just about every other time they had sex. Punishment spankings happened about once or twice a month.

The gang enjoyed seeing the two men happy again. And then one day the relationship went even more public.

There was a case. A teen girl had been found and Bones was examining the body to find the cause of death and Cam was busy she had a brain she was looking at. Sweets went over to Cam to see the brain.

"Oh can I touch it?" he asked sounding like a child and she smirked "Sure." and he poked it and then smirked "squishy." he said and Cam laughed.
"So how are things going with you and Booth?" Cam asked.
"Good. Really good. We're happy." he said.
"That's good. How's Parker taking it? With you being there?" Cam asked.
"He seems to be adjusting well but he's only there every other week. He seems okay with us though." Sweets said.

"Cool. That's good. Parker is sweet boy." Cam said.

"Yeah he is." Sweets said with a smirk.

"Sweets can I ask you something?" Cam asked and Sweets nodded "Sure"

"Have you always been like this? I mean with the whole liking guys thing? I only mean that your only 22 years old. Most guys don't know that soon. Have you ever even dated a girl?" Cam asked.

"No. Booth was my first kiss. I don't want anyone but him." Sweets said.

That surprised Cam. "Booth was your first kiss? Does he know that?" Cam asked.

"No. He knew that I was a virgin on our first night though. I did tell him that." Sweets said.

"Does he know that you've never even tried to date girls?" Cam asked.

"No. Where are you going with this Dr.?" Sweets asked.

"Nowhere. I was just curious is all. But you should tell him. If he finds out some other way before you tell him then he'll jump your case about not telling him." Cam warned.

"I'll think about it." Sweets said and they both knew it was a lie.

Sweets went over to talk to Bones next. "Hey Dr. Brennen. How is everything?" Sweets asked.

"Oh. It seems good here. How are things with you and Booth?" she asked politely.

Sweets smirked "Why does everyone keep asking me about me and Booth? Why can't you guys wait til Booth comes and hound him about us?" Sweets asked.

"Cause he wouldn't actually tell us anything." Angela jumped in then.
Sweets smirked "Well then I guess I shouldn't be telling you anything either." he said.

"Oh come on. Give us some details." Angela begged.

"No! No details." Booth said as he came in and Sweets laughed as everyone suddenly got a guilty face,

Booth looked at Sweets "And what are you doing in here?" he asked.

Sweets smiled "I got bored in my office and came to play in the lab."
Booth snorted "Figures."

"He touched the brain." Cam informed and Booth got a sick look on his face. "He touched what?"

"The brain. Wanna see?" Cam asked and Booth backed away "No I do not wanna see! That's gross."

"Oh your just a big baby." Cam teased.

"I am not a big baby. Sweets go sanitize your hands." Booth said.

"Oh come on!" Sweets said with a smile.

"Fine but your not touching me until you wash those hands." Booth informed him .

Sweets snorted he could live without touching Booth for now.

"Wow you guys are just so much fun." Jack said.

"Okay well I think we have provided enough of a show. Booth must have come in here for a reason." Sweets said.

"Yeah I came to ask if you know the cause of death yet?" Booth asked towards Bones.

Bones shook her head "The cause of death has not become clear yet. I'll let you know as soon as I find out." Bones said.

Booth nodded "Well that was a wasted trip I guess."

"Hey." Sweets whined.
"Hey what? Your not even suppose to be in here Sweets. Go back to your office." Booth ordered and Sweets rolled his eyes then turned to everyone else then back to Booth "Right since I'm obviously disturbing everyone I'll go back to my office and die of boredom." Sweets said sarcastically.

Sweets headed out the door and Booth lingered in the lab for only a moment longer then headed back out.

Sweets went into his office and pulled out his book that he had started the day he had began work here. It was a book about how Booth and Dr. Brennen were in love with each other. Now he could never finish it because despite the fact that yes Booth and Bones had been in love it just wasn't meant to be with the two of them. Booth had not always been gay. In fact he had been straight as an arrow until one morning when Sweets and Booth had gotten trapped in an elevator together and Sweets had confessed that he was gay partly for shock value and partly to find out how Booth would feel about that. Booth had been fine with it.
"Just don't hit on me." Booth said and Sweets had laughed promising to never hit on Booth.

Then came the night when his scars had been revealed and Booth had been horrified by them. Not because Sweets was scarred but because Sweets had suffered like that at such a young age. The whip marks on his back would always be there. To remind him of what he had suffered at the tender age of 6. After Booth found out about the scars he had stormed into Sweets office demanding to see them. And Practically tore Sweet's shirt off and examined the scars. That was the first time Booth had touched him. His back and it had been electric almost. Booth had felt it too. And it had taken Booth a couple weeks to realize that he was attracted to the young man who was over ten years younger then him. Then Booth had told Sweets about what he was feeling. But Sweets gave him advice but still kept his promise and Booth got the courage up to ask Sweets out on a date. And that had been the start of it all.

But now as he read over what he had wrote he decided to put it away again. He could do some revising and maybe make it a tell all book about how Booth had over come his addiction to gambling. That was probably more useful.

Booth went back to his office and at the end of the work day Bones had still not found a cause of death. So Booth stopped by Sweets office to pick up his shrink so they could go for the day and he drove them to a bar which made Sweets smile "What's the occasion?" Sweets asked letting Booth get out and open his door for him and they went in and sat at a table. "Tomorrow Parker's coming over I just figured we'd have a little treat tonight. You know. Since there's no drinking on the weekends that Parker is home." Booth said and he stuck to that rule himself too.

"Oh. I almost forgot that tomorrow is Friday. So how are we gonna work that Since we have to work?" Sweets asked.

"Well he likes to hang out in my office but I thought that you could pull out one of those games of yours and play a game with him. That'll keep him busy for a while. oh but don't take him to the lab! I mean it. I don't even like you being in the lab. " Booth said and then ordered there regular drinks.

Sweets nodded "Okay sure." he said.

When his drink arrived he down it quickly. "Hey take it easy there. Your only getting two more." Booth said.

"I know. But your suppose to drink shots fast." Sweets said.

Well the kid had a point.

The next drink arrived and Sweets drank it fast again.

Booth shook his head.

The third drink arrived and it was a whine cooler.

Booth's hand went over Sweet's hand when it grabbed the bottle Sweets looked at Booth "Don't guzzle it down. Take it slow." Booth said.

So Sweets took it slower this time. Only taking a drink occasionally while they talked.

When he was done with his drink Booth drove them home and they went to bed.

The next morning there was a knock at the door and Sweets got up first and put his pants on while Booth remained asleep Sweets smirked then answer the door. It was Booth's X Wife and Parker.

The X wife gave Sweets a strange look seeing the man only in his pants. "Who are you?" she asked.

"Mom that's Sweets. Daddy's friend." Parker said as he walked in.
"Your early. I thought you were gonna drop him off at the office like usual." Sweets said.

"I have something that came up and he has no school today so I had to drop him off here.  So your the man that has turned my X husband gay? You would think that Booth would want to set a better example for Parker then this." the woman said that kinda hurt Lance but he let it go. He hadn't done anything to Booth. Booth had made the choice on his own.

"Mom you have to be nice to Sweets." Parker said and his mother rolled her eyes and then turned and walked away. "Nice to meet you too." Sweets said sarcastically.

Parker took his bag and sat on the couch and Sweets smiled "Hang on buddy and I'll go wake your dad." Sweets said and went into the bedroom and climbed into the bed and shook Booth.

"Booth. Booth wake up." Sweets said.

Booth did wake up he captured Sweets by the waste and pulled him down for a kiss.

Sweets's struggles were only half hearted and so Booth didn't let him go. Nor did he listen to the mumbling he was doing. Booth's mouth covered his words too well.

Parker wondered in and saw them kissing "EWW! Get a room!" he said.

Booth lunged up and saw Parker. "Parker? What are you doing here?" Booth asked confused.
Sweets sat up too "That's what I was trying to tell you before you grabbed me! Your Ex dropped him off cause she had something she just had to do and he has no school today by the way she's a charming lady Booth. Real Charming." Sweets said sarcastically.

"that's not true! Daddy mommy was mean to Sweets. I told her to be nice." Parker said proudly.

Booth smirked then sad "Well at least Somebody knows how to tell daddy the truth." Booth said.

Sweets glared "Hey you are not my daddy." he said.

"Right cause that's the part that was directed at you?" Booth said sarcastically.

Sweets blushed "Hello I was being sarcastic thank you very much."

Parker giggled "Your not even dressed yet." he said.

"Well of course not! It's not time to go to work yet. " Booth turned to Sweets "You go take a shower and be quick about it. Then I'll take a shower. How about some breakfast Parker?" Booth asked again to his son now and Parker rushed out of the bedroom to sit at the table and Booth kissed Sweets and then swatted him playfully and then went to the kitchen to fix some eggs and toast for everyone.

While Sweets was in the shower Booth spoke to his son "Now Parker you remember our talk last time? Your to stay out of the lab. Your gonna play a game in Lance's office. I don't wanna hear about you sneaking out to go to the lab. I don't want you to see that place. Your too young. When you start to have hair on your chest then you can see it. And I told Lance not to take you down there either so don't ask him." Booth said. Parker just nodded.

Sweets finished his shower and Booth laid everyone's plates out and Sweets was now dressed properly for work and after eating Booth went to take his shower and get dressed too.

Once they got to the Jeffersonian Booth and Sweets split ways and Sweets took Parker to his office and they played pictionary a game where you draw a card and then you pick a word on the card and you draw a picture to describe the word. Like charades only with drawing. Once they ran out of cards and Since Lance had no sessions scheduled today he asked Parker what he wanted to do next.
"I wanna go see Bones." Parker said.

Sweets thought about that "Well actually Booth said you weren't suppose to be in the lab. Sorry buddy."

"But you could take me. Don't you have hair on your chest?" Parker asked.

"Uh. No. Not all guys have hair." Sweets said.

"Oh well then that means you can't go to lab either. Only guys with hair on their chest can go to the lab." Parker said. Sweets snorted. Okay then. Sure why not.

Then his phone rang and Cam asked him to come down to the lab.

"Sorry buddy. Could you wait here for a minute? I gotta go to the lab real quick." Sweets said and Parker jumped up and grabbed his arm "No! you can't. I'll tell daddy! Daddy said you can't go cause you don't have hair on your chest and I can't go cause I don't either." Parker said anxiously.
Sweets tried not to laugh "Parker I'm different. I work here. Now Cam has a question for me I have to go down there." Sweets said.
"No! You don't have hair on your chest. I'll tell daddy!" Parker insisted and Sweets rolled his eyes.
"Well then how about you come with me and neither of us will tell daddy. But if I say to close your eyes then close your eyes okay?" Sweets asked and Parker nodded "Okay but we'll be in trouble." Parker said as they headed out.

Once they reached the lab everyone greeted Parker cheerfully and Parker screamed at the dead body of a young boy just as Sweets saw it and went to cover his eyes but it was already too late.
"Great. If he has a nightmare Booth is gonna kill us." Cam said then added "What is he doing down here anyways. I asked you to come. Not for you to bring Parker." Cam said.

"What's your question." Sweets asked agitated and keeping his hand over Parker's eyes.
"Well I was gonna ask you to examine the bruise cause we think that the kid was abused before he was killed. But Maybe I'll just take some pictures and send them to you but I want your opinion by the end of the day on them." Cam said and then Booth came in and stopped in his tracks at the sight of Parker in the lab.

"What the hell is this? Sweets I said not to take him to the lab!" Booth raised his voice and Parker rushed t his daddy and hugged him tight "Daddy the little boy is dead!" Parker cried.

Booth stroked the boys hair "Shh. Parker it's okay. This is why daddy didn't want you in the lab. Scary things are in here. Things that you don't need to see. Honey I said not to go to the lab. You weren't suppose to ask to go to the lab." Booth said.
"I didn't ask!" Parker said.

Booth looked at Sweets "What does he mean?" Booth asked.
"Well Cam asked me to come down so I had to come down." Sweets said.
"I told you not to take Parker!" Booth raised his voice again.
"But he wouldn't let me leave without him! Kept going on and on about how 'daddy' said that only guys with hair on their chests could go to the lab and since I didn't have hair on my chest I couldn't go and he ever threatened to go tattle on me to you. I tried to get him to stay in the office though." Sweets said.
Jack laughed at that. And Cam smirked trying to keep from laughing. Even Bones thought it was funny.

Booth was torn between finding it funny and sticking to the point. Okay so it was actual both of their faults.

"Okay people. Show's over everyone get back to work. Sweets take Parker back to your office. Now. And next time don't let a little boy dictate to you about what you can and can't do. Your suppose to be the adult remember?" Booth said and Watched as Parker and Sweets went back to the office.

Booth entered the office a moment later. He shut the door and dropped the window blinds.

He looked at his son first "Parker you know better then to tell people what they can and can't do. We are the adults. If we ask you to do something you need to listen. And you know that." Booth said.

"I'm sorry daddy." Parker said.

Booth nodded "Alright. But I think you better go stand in the corner." Booth said pointing to a corner and his son sadly went to it.

Booth then turned to Sweets "And you. You heard what I just said to Parker right?" Sweets nodded.
"Well the same goes for you except that you should know better then to let a kid run the show. Your a shrink and you could have outsmarted him or turned the tables on him or you could have just flat out said for him to do as he was told. But instead you gave in and told him that he could go with you and in doing that you both disobeyed me." Booth said. then pointed to another corner "So you can get the same punishment. You can stand in the corner too." Booth said.

Sweets's mouth opened in shock "Your not serious." Sweets said outraged by the idea.
"Do I look like I'm kidding?" Booth said menacingly and then snapped his fingers "Go stand in the corner."
Sweets flinched at the snapped fingers but he made him way to the corner embarrassed as hell to be putting his nose against a wall like the naughty 7 year old that stood in the other corner.

Booth timed it. Made them both stand in the corner for 7 minutes. "Okay you guys can get out of the corner now. Sweets go sit at your desk. Parker come here to me." Booth said and Sweets sat down as Parker went over to his daddy. "Parker for the rest of the day your with me in my office. Sweets has to do things too. And when Sweets is watching you he is the boss. If you ever try to make him feel like he has no choice but to do as you say again then I will spank you. Okay?" Booth asked.

"Okay daddy." Parker said.
Booth looked at Sweets "I'll see you after work." and Sweets nodded.

Booth took Parker to his office and then after work they went home and everything went well the rest of that day. That night Sweets got a call from one of his friends. One of the friends that Booth didn't like. It was one of his heavy metal friends from the club and he was inviting Sweets to a party on Saturday night that Sweets just had to go to. So Sweets said he'd think about it and then wrote down the address and they all went to sleep before he could think to ask Booth about that party.


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